• Help us Tackle Alzheimer's ®

Making a Difference

Why Tackle Alzheimer’s?

Thanks to supporters like you, BvB Dallas has raised over $6.1 million for Alzheimer’s research and care right here in North Texas. But we're not done yet. Today, over 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s—a figure that's set to cost the nation a jaw-dropping $231 billion in 2024 alone. Your donation to BvB Dallas goes directly to those impacted by Alzheimer’s and fuels the fight for a cure. Let’s tackle this together!
Alzheimer's disease was the fifth-leading cause of death among people age 65 and older in 2021.
Health and long-term care costs for people living with dementia are projected to reach $360 billion in 2024 and nearly $1 trillion in 2050.
70% of dementia caregivers say that coordinating care is stressful. Two-thirds also have difficulty finding resources and support for their needs.
The lifetime risk for Alzheimer's at age 45 is 1 in 5 for women and 1 in 10 for men.
Over 11 million Americans provide unpaid care for people with Alzheimer's or other dementias.
In 2023, unpaid caregivers provided an estimated 18.4 billion hours of care valued at nearly $350 billion.
74% of dementia caregivers say that they are concerned about maintaining their own health since becoming a caregiver.