• Help us Tackle Alzheimer's ®
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What makes BvB Dallas special?

About Us

BvB Dallas is a powder-puff football game and fundraiser hosted for a day of fun, fellowship, philanthropy and enjoyment as a way of raising money for Alzheimer’s Disease research and awareness. Founded by sisters whose father was afflicted by Alzheimer’s, BvB is a personal way for young professionals across the country to raise awareness, funds and support to TACKLING ALZHEIMER’S® FOREVER. BvB Dallas has been the most successful game on and off the field, raising more than $6.5 million and recruiting over 1,000 volunteers for the cause.

What makes BvB Dallas special?

Making A Difference

With your help, BvB Dallas has been able to raise over $6.5 Million Dollars for Alzheimer’s research and care in North Texas over the past 16 years. However, we still need you help.   A staggering 7 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s Disease today, which will cost the nation over $360 BILLION in 2025 alone. Your donation to BvB Dallas will go directly to those living with Alzheimer’s, and those fighting to find a cure.


Donations to Date

Sponsors Suported



Lives Changed

We Continue to Make a Difference

17 Years Strong

Raised: $65,000

Participants: 124

Raised: $155,000

Participants: 75

Raised: $205,000

Participants: 140

Raised: $205,000

Participants: 140

Raised: $340,000

Participants: 175

Raised: $350,000

Participants: 200

Raised: $440,000

Participants: 215

Raised: $490,000

Participants: 152

Raised: $564,000

Participants: 225

Raised: $650,000

Participants: 235

Raised: $668,000

Participants: 200

Raised: $552,000

Participants: 200

Raised: $350,000

Participants: 150

Raised: $596,000

Participants: 154

Raised: $511,000

Participants: 156

Raised: $375,000

Participants: 144